Wednesday, October 6, 2010

No. 2: Robots.

Recently I read about these nanorobots that can replicate themselves and build basically anything they want, out of themselves. No, I haven't slept well since this discovery. 

This poses a massive problem not only for me, but for every living and breathing organism in the world, and possibly universe. The implications of such an invention are going to be catastrophic, and will no doubt usher in the apocalypse. There are no ifs about this, robots end the world. Now I'm not sure who set out on this mission to create pure evil, or what the hell was going through their heads when they did it, but clearly they have never seen a Terminator movie. For fuck's sake, I hope one of you is John Connor and can handle this problem, because I don't have the technology or the ability to travel back in time, yet.

The problem with robots is simple: they make decisions based on math equations. No good decision has ever been made based on math, the second most terrible thing aside from robots. Robot math is very complex but based on only two things. 1's and 0's. Each of these numbers has a distinct meaning. 1=kill human, 0=destroy all humans. Clearly there are always important decisions going on in a robot brain.

This, of course, is the most extreme case of robots building robots so far, but this sort of thing has been going on for a long time, and it's a complete mindfuck that it's been allowed to happen. Now I haven't seen these little robots that assemble thousands of themselves into some sort of icy, harbinger of death type monster, but my guess is that it has cold, dead eyes and spider legs,and most likely the attitude of the pyramid head guy from Silent Hill that rips people's skin off. Well, that's what it'd look like to me, obviously it'd operate on firmware derived from the movie IT, where it becomes exactly what terrifies you the most. Leave it to a fucking robot to become an amalgamation of every horrible, nightmarish being to ever exist.

So you might ask, why would scientists create such a thing? Well, it's because they can, and they've never had a robot uprising. Clearly an army of robots setting out on a mass human genocide is the only thing that would possibly make a scientist think, "Hey, maybe we shouldn't make fucking robots that can replicate and become anything."

Fucking scientists. They take your worst nightmares and bring them to fruition. You know how a scientist would deal with a dark army of evil robots? They'd build more robots to fight the evil robots. This is why I always shot the scientists when I played Goldeneye on N64. I knew what they were up to, even then.